On 11/3/14 7:59 PM, ankur bansal wrote:
Thanks Paul for the answer
But still not clear why ACK needs to be new transaction .Anyway TU only
sending ACK so multiple ACKs can be sent if multiple 200 come.
Do we have any better explanation for this .Also i was thinking if they
changed the 200 transaction handling from transaction terminate to
transaction accepted then at same time they would have made ACK handling
also same for any final response .
But its kept same for some reason which i am trying to understand.

While I have been involved with SIP for a long time, this decision is older than that (more than 12 years ago), so I wasn't involved in it. I gave you my best understanding of why. At this point there is little point is speculating why, because it it too firmly engrained to be changed.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Paul Kyzivat <pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu
<mailto:pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu>> wrote:

    On 10/31/14 12:27 PM, ankur bansal wrote:

        Hi All

        Why ACK is made separate transaction when 2xx is final
        being given that TL is deleted on getting 2xx to be independant of
        upperlayer whether its UA core or proxy core.but now after rfc
        6026 came TL
        not deleted on getting 2xx.then whats the reason to keep ACK
        still new

    The simple answer is that when an INVITE is forked, it is possible
    to get more than one successful response. Each of those needs to be
    ACKed to the proper place.

    When the INVITE fails it is considered failed for all forks, and so
    you only need one ACK.


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