On 2/10/15 4:49 PM, rsw2111 wrote:

I've been debating this with someone, and I'd appreciate some outside input.
below is the scenario:

A -------- B
INVITE ->   with no supported header
<------200OK   with no refresher/session-expires or min-se
ACK ---->
<------INVITE  with Session-Expires: 3700;refresher=uac and Min-SE: 600
480 ----->

We suspect that the re-INVITE is what's causing the 480.

It is hard for me to fathom why 480 is being returned.
What does A expect to happen as a result of this. It is a very bad choice.

my colleague is
under the impression that the B-side re-INVITE should not contain any
refresher since the A-side indicated that they do not support it in the
initial INVITE, and this b-side behavior is non-RFC-compliant .

Failing to explicitly indicate support for an option is *not* an indication that the option is unsupported.

As Brett already commented, session timer is renegotiated with every reINVITE. A should deal with the reINVITE, and handle it in accord with 4028. If A doesn't support session timer, then it should ignore the Session-Expires and Min-SE headers. You didn't say whether the reINVITE had Require:timer. I assume not. If it did, and A doesn't support it, then it should have returned a 420 response.


My understanding is that this is alright as long as they set a min-se and
make themselves the refresher.

This scenario does not seem clear in RFC 4028. can someone please clarify
and provide proof?

Thanks in advance
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