On 7/4/17 12:55 PM, Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho wrote:


I still have to study and learn about forking calls via SIP.
But, before starting my studies, I would like to know if it is possible to do 
fork + early media.

For example,  when user U1 calls and his call is forked (parallel fork) to 
users U2 e U3, if there is early media negotiation between the caller and the 
callees, can U1 keep the media stream with U2 and U3 simultaneously?

If it is not possible to keep such early media streams, is it a matter of SIP  
capacity ?

It's *possible* - it could happen. It just depends on how the alternative forks behave. It is up to the caller to decide how to cope in this case. The first step is to realize it can happen (that seems to be where you are) and then decide on a strategy to deal with it.

You could try to mix the streams for playout to your caller. But that is a bother and is unlikely to provide a good user experience. Or you can play out one stream and ignore the others. Of course you would like to play out the one that is going to answer first, but you don't know which one that is. If you guess right then you will have a good user experience. If you guess wrong then things will seem odd to the user when you eventually switch to the stream from the answerer. That will require you to start playing out a stream you had been ignoring - you need to figure out when to do that. It won't necessarily be obvious from the answer sdp which stream that is.

        Good luck,
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