On 2/22/21 9:09 AM, Sundbaum Per-Johan (Telenor Sverige AB) wrote:
Hi again !
Correction, there are of course not any "require: 100Rel" in INVITE, sorry I 
mixed things up !

We have a vendor that is saying that they correctly answers initial INVITE with 400 BadRequest 
because the INVITE have SIP header "supported: precondition" and also required: 
100rel", but not the equivalent QOS parameters in SDP.

Personally I think that this behavior is definitely against the "spirit" of 
SIP, but is it really in accordance with 3GPP 24.229  ?

I won't comment on 3gpp-specific aspects. But from a pure sip perspective I see nothing wrong with declaring supported:precondition but choosing not to negotiate any preconditions at that time. There is a distinction between support and use.

Based on your stated facts, and assuming there was nothing else wrong, IMO the UAS should have processed the incoming request.

If you post the full request then it should be possible to be more definitive about this. (The link you posted below doesn't work for me.)


"The MSC sends 400 Bad Request because the received SIP Invite has precondition 
in the header part but no precondition related attributes in the SDP part.

This behavior is according to Function Specification Session Initiation 
Protocol, 1/155 17 FAY 112 172/9 Uen Rev. B And 3GPP 24.229.   INVITE Received with SDP 
When MSC-S receives initial INVITE with SDP offer containing precondition related 
attributes within SDP body, it requires both precondition and 100rel to be present 
in Require or Supported header. MSC-S behavior is the same regardless if 
precondition tag is received in Require or Supported header. If any of the required 
option-tags is missing, INVITE is rejected wit 421 Extension Required and the 
missing option-tags within Require header. If the received SDP offer contains no 
precondition related attributes, but both precondition and 100relare present in 
Require or Supported header, INVITE is rejected with 400 Bad Request."


Sensitivity: Internal
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