Hi All,

     I have a scenario where a SIP INVITE is generated by a UAC which is
behind a NAT on the private Side. This INVITE reaches 'sipp' running on a
Machine in the Public Side after passing through a NAT/Router. Now the
INVITE that SIPP receives contains a Private IP(viz in the *
Via* Header. In my setup, NAT just modifies the IP Header and the SIP
Headers pass as is without any modification. I was expecting the call NOT to
come up as the reply to the INVITE should have been sent to this private
address(as per PFC 3261) which won't be routable. But interestingly, the
sniffs show that the responses are sent to the Public IP of the NAT and
hence the SIP Signalling part comes up fine.

Could someone explain the reason for the deviation from the standard
behavior on this? Can responses be sent to some address other than the one
in the '*Via*' Header in the INVITE request?

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