is there a possibility to capture the RTP stream while the client and server are on the same IP?
That's not really a SIPp question, but nevertheless:

 * first, make sure the two instances off SIPp use different port
   ranges for the RTP.
 * next:
     o if you run SIPp on linux, you can run one instance of tcpdump
       with -i eth0 or what your network interface name is to capture
       the communication with the external machine, and another
       instance of tcpdump with -i lo to capture the RTP running
       between the two SIPp instances. Or you can install Wireshark and
       run a single instance of dumpcap or tshark with several -i
       options (or choose several interfaces if running a GUI Wireshark).
     o if you run SIPp on Windows, you may have tough time. Normally,
       there is no visible "lo" interface in Windows, but you can
       install npcap and during the installation choose the option to
       create the lo. However, I am not sure how Wireshark will behave
       if you have WinPcap and npcap installed simultaneously, and SIPp
       needs WinPcap to replay pcap files which contain RTP packets. I
       haven't tried yet whether npcap installed in WinPcap-compatible
       mode can substitute WinPcap in this role.


Dne 15.1.2018 v 14:49 Pedro Oliveira Silva napsal(a):


I have a problem that I was wondering if you could help me with.

I have a SIPp scenario with one SIPp in client mode sending SIP to an Application Server that then sends to another SIPp in server mode. Client and Server SIPp are on the same machine while the Application Server is on another machine.

Besides SIP I’m also sending an RTP stream so that I can also test the audio.

The problem is that since the Client and Server are on the same machine I haven’t been able to capture the RTP stream. If I put either the client or the server on another machine I can correctly capture the RTP stream.

To send the RTP stream I’m using “<exec rtp_stream="test.raw,-1"/>” and to capture the traffic I’m using tshark.

Has any of you ever tried this or is there a possibility to capture the RTP stream while the client and server are on the same IP?

Thanks in advance.

/Best Regards,/

/Pedro Oliveira Silva./

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