
I'm trying to make end to end call in Clearwater IMS environment using
SIPp, but I'm getting Error “Discarding message which can't be mapped to a
known SIPp call” on SIPp UAS endpoint for the incoming INVITE from SIPp
But when i use Jitsi as UAS i'm successful in making end to end call. Could
someone help here.

UAS Command:
"sipp -sf uas.xml -m 1 -t t1 -trace_msg -trace_err"

UAS Output:
------------------------------ Scenario Screen -------- [1-9]: Change
Screen --
Call-rate(length) Port Total-time Total-calls Remote-host
10.0(0 ms)/1.000s 5062 184.33 s 1

Call limit reached (-m 1), 1.002 s period 1 ms scheduler resolution
1 calls (limit 120) Peak was 1 calls, after 0 s
0 Running, 2 Paused, 3 Woken up
0 dead call msg (discarded) 1 out-of-call msg (discarded)
4 open sockets

                             Messages  Retrans   Timeout   Unexpected-Msg
REGISTER ---------->         1         0         0
     100 <----------         0         0         0         0
     401 <----------         1         0         0         0
REGISTER ---------->         1         0         0
     100 <----------         0         0         0         0
     200 <----------         1         0         0         0
  INVITE <----------         0         0         0         0

     180 ---------->         0         0
     200 ---------->         0         0         0
     ACK <----------  E-RTD1 0         0         0         0

     BYE <----------         0         0         0         0
     200 ---------->         0         0
   Pause [   4000ms]         0                             0

------- Waiting for active calls to end. Press [q] again to force exit.

Last Error: Discarding message which can't be mapped to a known SIPp cal...

UAC command:
"sipp -sf sippCall.xml -inf sippCall.csv -m 1 -t t1
-trace_msg -trace_err"

UAC Output:
------------------------------ Scenario Screen -------- [1-9]: Change
Screen --
Call-rate(length) Port Total-time Total-calls Remote-host
10.0(0 ms)/1.000s 5063 34.27 s 1

Call limit reached (-m 1), 0.000 s period 0 ms scheduler resolution
0 calls (limit 960) Peak was 1 calls, after 0 s
0 Running, 3 Paused, 0 Woken up
0 dead call msg (discarded) 0 out-of-call msg (discarded)
0 open sockets

                             Messages  Retrans   Timeout   Unexpected-Msg
REGISTER ---------->         1         0         0
     100 <----------         0         0         0         0
     401 <----------         1         0         0         0
REGISTER ---------->         1         0         0
     100 <----------         0         0         0         0
     200 <----------         1         0         0         0
   Pause [   2000ms]         1                             0
  INVITE ---------->         1         0         0
     100 <----------         1         0         0         0
     180 <----------         0         0         0         1
     200 <----------  E-RTD1 0         0         0         0

     ACK ---------->         0         0
          [ NOP ]
   Pause [    30.0s]         0                             0
     BYE ---------->         0         0         0
     200 <----------         0         0         0         0

------------------------------ Test Terminated

----------------------------- Statistics Screen ------- [1-9]: Change
Screen --
Start Time | 2019-07-30 19:04:11.633714 1564513451.633714
Last Reset Time | 2019-07-30 19:04:45.905139 1564513485.905139
Current Time | 2019-07-30 19:04:45.905300 1564513485.905300
Counter Name | Periodic value | Cumulative value
Elapsed Time | 00:00:00:000000 | 00:00:34:271000
Call Rate | 0.000 cps | 0.029 cps
Incoming call created | 0 | 0
OutGoing call created | 0 | 1
Total Call created | | 1
Current Call | 0 |
Successful call | 0 | 0
Failed call | 0 | 1
Response Time 1 | 00:00:00:000000 | 00:00:00:000000
Call Length | 00:00:00:000000 | 00:00:34:153000
------------------------------ Test Terminated

2019-07-30 19:04:45.891481 1564513485.891481: Aborting call on unexpected
message for Call-Id '1-21223@': while expecting '180' (index 10),
received 'SIP/2.0 408 Request Timeout
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP
Record-Route: sip:;transport=TCP;lr
Record-Route: sip:sQtRDAKzv5@;transport=TCP;lr
Call-ID: 1-21223@
From: sip:6505550...@default.svc.cluster.local;tag=11234
To: sip:6505550...@default.svc.cluster.local
Content-Length: 0


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