I installed libev manually, but sipxsqa required it as a dependency before I could update. Since libev could be found in epel is installing epel going to be standard or is libev going to be in the sipx repo so it can update automatically?
(not sure it matters but sipxhomer dead but pid file exists still on sipxhomer.i686 0:4.6.0-38.ge6c5). -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Graziano, Manager Telephone: 434.984.8430 sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net Fax: 434.465.6833 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Linked-In Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tony-graziano/14/4a6/7a4 Ask about our Internet Fax services! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using or developing for sipXecs from SIPFoundry? Ask me about sipX-CoLab 2013! <http://sipxcolab2013.eventbrite.com/?discount=tony2013> -- LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk: Telephone: 434.984.8426 sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net Helpdesk Customers: http://myhelp.myitdepartment.net Blog: http://blog.myitdepartment.net
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