On 9/29/2012 6:06 AM, Michael Picher wrote:
> well, by it's definition, 1-to-1 is not 1-to-2 ;-).  i suppose a 
> firewall could map 2 outside IP's to 1 internal and track inbound 
> connections and deal with replys.
Now your getting it! ;-)
>  however, if something were initiated from inside, how would the 
> firewall decide which IP to send out?  it would need to use one of the 
> IP's as a default outbound.
That it does.  You can have "load balance" or failover.  This setup is 
failover.  An if the default goes down then the firewall switches to the 
other IP.  Then we have to make the public IP address change in sipx to 
accommodate that.  It would be nice if the sipx public IP address was a 
list.  It seems it would be trivial to read the header "To:" address and 
use that IP address if it is in the list of public IP's.

If you were to use load balanced then, you would have to add routing 
rules on the firewall that all traffic from a particular internal IP or 
even port have to go out on using a particular public IP.

> again, i can't see how sipxecs's media relay would work with only a 
> single outside IP that it can translate to.  all of the outbound sip 
> traffic will be rewritten with the one outside IP address.  if stun 
> were used in the NAT settings, failover could be accomplished.
> maybe i'm missing what you're attempting, or maybe i'm 
> just blatantly wrong.
You are getting hung up on this being a firewall issue.  So that we can 
move on, I turned off the backup ISP so there is only one public IP 
possible.  I rebooted the sipx server after just to make sure I clear 
out the "blacklist" that sipx keeps.

Test calls show the the ITSP (VI or voip.ms), after getting a 500 back 
from sipx on the first attempt will retry the call again and get a 200 
back.    Voip.ms does not retry and the default behavior for the DID is 
just to keep ringing.

I just found the problem for this install.  There was a NAPTR for 
SIPS+D2T  in this install.  This is not in a default install I believe.
The priority - weight of the NAPTR records were:
10 0 SIP+D2U
20 0 SIP+D2T
30 0 SIPS+D2T

Seems strange the the bridge is choosing the "Best NAPTR choice is 
_sips._tcp" with a weight of 30 when the others are lower.  Maybe a 
bug?  Not sure if the bridge is allowed to connect with SIPS or if this 
is a bug?

 request from : voip.ms"
 received on"
 = = 5060"
 uri sip:"
 Host is already dotted quad"
"2012-09-29T15:39:33.112000Z":614:JAVA:DEBUG:pbx1.example.com:Thread-27:00000000:AccountManagerImpl:"Checking port 5060"
 uri sip:newyork.voip.ms"
 Looking up NAPTR newyork.voip.ms"
 Best NAPTR choice is null"
 Looking up SRV _sip._UDP.newyork.voip.ms"
 Looking up SRV _sip._TCP.newyork.voip.ms"
 Looking up A newyork.voip.ms"
 Found by A newyork.voip.ms/"
"2012-09-29T15:39:33.114000Z":622:JAVA:DEBUG:pbx1.example.com:Thread-27:00000000:AccountManagerImpl:"Checking port 5060"
 request from : voip.ms"
 uri sip:example.com"
 Looking up NAPTR example.com"
 Found NAPTR SIPS+D2T=_sips._tcp.example.com."
 Found NAPTR SIP+D2U=_sip._udp.example.com."
 Found NAPTR SIP+D2T=_sip._tcp.example.com."
 Best NAPTR choice is _sips._tcp.example.com."
 Looking up SRV _sips._tcp.example.com."
 Found SRV pbx1.example.com.:5061"
 Looking up A pbx1.example.com."
 Found by SRV pbx1.example.com.=pbx1.example.com./"
 address table = [org.sipfoundry.commons.siprouter.ProxyHop@464d41e2]"
java.io.IOException: Could not locate a sipx proxy server -- cannot create B2BUA

Gerald Drouillard
Technology Architect
Drouillard & Associates, Inc.

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