Can i do it on Mac Host OS.
I have mac OS and running virtual box on top of that, but I am not able to 
create Bridged network.
Is it possible someway to do it?

Hars Vardhan

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Graziano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 6/19/2008 8:08 PM
To: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org; Vardhan, Hars
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Sipx on virtual Box
When running as a VM GUEST, the VM GUEST NIC should be run in bridged
mode, given it's own IP address on the local subnet, and use the same
router as the HOST.

>>> "Vardhan, Hars" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/19/08 19:40 PM >>>
I am trying to install and run the sipx on a virtual box on my windows
I am able to install but not able to connect it to network, I mean I am
not able to ping that system niether 
able to open webpage for configuring the sipx server.
Steps followed in brief:
1. on virtual Box, created a machine with 8GB and 800 RAM.
2. mounted install-CD of sip foundary in this machine.
3. booted system using 'manual-format'
4. All available disk is used by this sipx
5. after reboot, I configured the system with DNS enabled, DHCP, NTP
6.Given the host name : sipx.harsv.com
                 ip Address:  an unused ip address of local subnet.
                 gateway address: same as my windows system.
7. Left the domain page info as it is.
8. installation completed without prompting any error.
9. Also, virtual Box's Ethernet is configured with NAT.
10. Upto this, is fine.
11, Now, I should be able to login on the web page using:
or http://<ip-addr>
But I am not able to do so..
can you please help me, what I should do, or where I am wrong.
Hars vardhan
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