Using Polycom 650's with bootrom 4.1 and sip 3.03c.

Built fresh centos 5 system from sipx iso and restored data, reissued
certificates, all else seems to be OK after rebooting.

When a user or superadmin creates a personal speedial, the phone
specific directory xml file gets updated. The update file "does not
show" speedials on the phone when presence is chosen and the updates are
sent to the phone, neither is the directory.xml file update with only
the "presence entries, as if the system says to ignor or not to write

Deleting the phone and recreating it do not get any better results.
Verified the phone specific entries in tftproot were deleted and

Where do I look for error messages or reasons why this fails? I have no
failed jobs and there are no phonebooks involved. I simply see the
directory.xml file updated (date and time) but never a presence entry
shows up in the file(s).

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