>>> "Manoj Gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/08/08 >07:34 AM >>>
>Hello To All,

>             As I am new on Sipx and my query is How >can we stop
>interaction during Auto attendant process?
>             Means I just want to play a wave file and >if any user
>press any key, it will not affect the message or >digits
>             will not take as an input.

>Manoj Gupta

This is not possible with the current version. What you did not say is
whether you wanted to be able to record a message at the end of the
greeting or not.

There is a feature request for an announcement server, and it is on the
roadmap and I have seen comment on the lists for that for some time.


If this is something you want you should look at this and or comment on
it. The media server is undergoing many changes for the upcoming v4.0
(utilizing freeswitch as media server).

What I think you are asking is a greeting that can play only (not
record). I used to call this an "announcement box". We would configure
this to play directions, events, closings due to weather, office or
store hours, etc., and was meant to play only and not record. This is
not easily achieved unless an architecture overhaul is done, and that is

Someone correct me if I have misinterpreted it.

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