On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 13:26 +0530, Vikas Sharma wrote:
> hi all
> I have configured 
>   varun.domain.com as master server -
>    vikas.domain.com as dist-server
> if i give priority and 100% weightage to  slave. means every
> registration is on slave now.
> then every thing works fine even if master dies.
> but if slave dies which downs everything and no call can be  made.
> If  priority  is equal and weightage is 50-50 
> Then some calls are made and some hangs up (or to voicemail). Same
> call  is made  sometimes  and other time it goes to voicemail.
> Same  thing is happening  when  either master goes down or  slave goes down.

It sounds like the registration synchronization is not working between
your systems.  Check for errors in the sipregistrar.log

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