On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 15:33 -0400, Jermaine Pinder wrote:
> We are experiencing low MOS score, Jitter, and packet loss readings
> consistently, especially when they go to retrieve their voice
> messages. All other calls outside are working fine, MOS scores are
> around 4.4 with no packet loss and low Jitter (under 20ms). 
> I’m using VQmanger as a test tool.
> Any ideas why we’re experiencing this internally?  I also have bonded
> LAN adapters.

The most likely causes are that the host running sipXvxml is overloaded
(especially with regard to memory).  Check that its CPU usage doesn't go
over ~75% and that it does not page.  Also, running sipXvxml on a
virtual host under a VM doesn't work very well.


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