On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 12:38 +0000, Gabor Paller wrote:
> It seems to happen with Cisco 7940 (SIP image, P0S3-08-5-00). It is
> still unconfirmed, seems to happen spuriously and only for a few
> seconds.

There's a way to extract just the messages regarding a single phone: 

merge-logs --include-method=REGISTER --ft=[ext.no.]@ 

That will generate file "merged.xml" that you can feed into sipviewer.
But it's also readable by text.  What it contains is all REGISTER
messages and responses to/from the registrar that contain the string
"[ext.no.]@" in their From or To headers, which extracts all the
registration messages from phone [ext.no.].

Look at those messages to see when the phone registers, and compare it
to the expires times provided in the REGISTER responses.


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