Hi all,
  still sorting out my sipx install (3.11.9).

Some of the config test on the webui fail, and it's hard to trace down why.

1. TFTP Test    23/12/08 14:34  Error
TFTP get of test file failed.
The specified TFTP server failed to serve the test configuration file.
Verify that the TFTP server is running and properly configured

However, when I test
# tftp sipx.example.com
tftp> verbose
tftp> status
tftp> get sipx7912.logo     (or some other file you know exists)
Received 309 bytes in 0.3 seconds
tftp> quit

Everything runs fine.


tftp localhost -c get SIPDefault.cnf
less SIPDefault.cnf

This one failed, as a file called SIPDefault.cnf did not exist anywhere
on my system.
When I create the file in
/var/sipxdata/configserver/phone/profile/tftproot/SIPDefault.cnf, then I
can manually retrieve it, but the config test via the webui still fails.

2. FTP Test
FTP client encountered unrecoverable error.
The test client has suffered an unrecoverable network failure. Please
see the test log for further information.

However, ftp://PlcmSpIp:plcms...@ gives me an empty
directory listing.

3. HTTP Test:
The HTTP server is unreachable.
The resolved IP address of the specified HTTP server did not respond to
ICMP pings. Verify that the server is running and reachable from this

I'm at a complete loss about this one. When I look at
/etc/sipxpbx/domain-config, and do a ping to either the domain or the
IP, I get a response.

Generally, it seems when I run these tests, the ResourceListServer falls
over. In the sipxrls.log file I find these strange error messages:

start  OnErrWait-1 waitingToReport-0 mbOnErrWait-1 EOFs-0"
'subscription.xml') returning '/var/sipxdata/sipdb/subscription.xml'"
loading \"/var/sipxdata/sipdb/subscription.xml\""
failed to load \"/var/sipxdata/sipdb/subscription.xml\""

Indead, /var/sipxdata/sipdb/subscription.xml does not exist.

Any hints?

Thanks a lot,

Andreas Speck at War Resisters' International
Conscientious Objection Campaigning Worker
5 Caledonian Road - London N1 9DX - Britain
tel +44-20-7278 4040  - fax +44-20-7278 0444
email andr...@wri-irg.org  http://wri-irg.org

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