I know I have asked this question before, so I don't want to sound like a pest 
but I really need to figure this out if I can and could use the help. 

I have a ticket open with Aastra but other than take the ticket info, they have 
not gotten back to me. 

So, if you have Aastra phone with working presencene/BLF can you please share 
here or update the wiki.   

The Aastra has two BLF options.  One they just call BLF.  Which the doc's say 
is just for Asterisk.  That does not work when I simply put in the extension to 

The other option is the BLF/List.  This supports the Broadsoft list type.  This 
is the one I really thought should work.  A packet trace shows the Aastra phone 
request the sip:~~rl...@example.com and sipx responds with rls urls.  A bunch 
of 200's are processed but then the Aastra just shows a "?" 

I've tried every thing I can find.  I'm not seeing any "error" messages so I'm 
not sure where to go from here. 

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