On Sun, 2009-02-22 at 18:04 -0500, Kevin Thorley wrote:
> I am working on setting up a sipx server for use by my local Linux users
> group.  We plan to use it to provide dial in numbers for our meetings
> for those that can't be there in person.  Someone had originally
> suggested using * for this, but since I volunteered to set it up, I
> chose to use sipx.  Yay for increasing awareness of the project :)
> Anyways, I was trying to install the server tonight and I ran into
> issues.  Following the instructions on the wiki I add the unstable repo:
> wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d
> http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/temp/sipXecs/sipxecs-unstable-fc.repo
> My sipx repo file looks like this:
> [sipxecs-unstable]
> name=SIPfoundry sipXecs pbx - latest mainline version
> baseurl=http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/temp/sipXecs/main/FC/$releasever/$basearch/RPM
> #mirrorlist=http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipX/mirrors/mirror-unstable
> gpgcheck=1
> gpgkey=https://secure2.pingtel.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-pingtel
> enabled=1
> Then I tried to install with yum.  However, it looks like some of the
> dependency stuff is not working in the latest build.  Here is what I
> get:
> [kthor...@sipx ~]$ sudo yum install sipxecs
> Setting up Install Process
> Parsing package install arguments
> Resolving Dependencies
> --> Running transaction check
> ---> Package sipxecs.i386 0:3.11.11-014786 set to be updated
> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
> Dependencies Resolved
> ============================================================================================================================
>  Package                   Arch                   Version
> Repository                          Size
> ============================================================================================================================
> Installing:
>  sipxecs                   i386                   3.11.11-014786
> sipxecs-unstable                   2.3 k
> Transaction Summary
> ============================================================================================================================
> Install      1 Package(s)         
> Update       0 Package(s)         
> Remove       0 Package(s)         
> Total download size: 2.3 k
> Is this ok [y/N]: y
> Downloading Packages:
> sipxecs-3.11.11-014786.i386.rpm
> | 2.3 kB     00:00     
> ==================================================== Entering rpm code
> =====================================================
> Running rpm_check_debug
> Running Transaction Test
> Finished Transaction Test
> Transaction Test Succeeded
> Running Transaction
>   Installing     : sipxecs
> 1/1 
> ===================================================== Leaving rpm code
> =====================================================
> Installed:
>   sipxecs.i386
> 0:3.11.11-014786                                                              
> Complete!
> I assume that there weren't any major optimizations checked in over the
> weekend that reduced the whole project to a single RPM of 2.3kB :)  Does
> anyone have any thoughts on what the problem is?  Did I mess up
> somewhere?

If you plan to keep using this system for any length of time, you should
probably use CentOS, not Fedora.  It changes more smoothly and less
frequently, so dependency management is much easier.

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