On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 09:32 -0600, voice wrote:
> Ok
> sipxpbx status sipxsupervisor is [OK]
> I can stop and start sipxpbx aok too.
> I have dhcpd and dns running.  All test are aok also.
> Please read Kevin & Damians  suggest.  
> How do i run sipXconfig and turn on services?  How would you answser
> Kevin observation of sevices not running?  He seems to be having
> simuliar issues.

This is what I had to do last week to start after a new build into a new target 
I haven't made a new target directory for about a week and things are still 
so I'm not sure if these are still needed.

If your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 does not contain IPADDR and 
NETMASK lines, 
you will need to know these values for sipx-setup.

<target-dir>/bin/sipxconfig.sh --first-run


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