This is a set of hints on how to more effectively report bugs in
sipXecs/SCS.  It is more oriented toward problems with call handling
than problems with the configuration system, but many of the hints are
good for both.

First, there is a great essay on writing bug reports:  "How to Report
Bugs Effectively" by Simon Tatham

More specifically for sipXecs/SCS:

- Identify and describe a specific instance of the failure.

Naturally, you think that figuring out the exact extent of the problem
and describing it is the best sort of bug report.  E.g., "Every time I
call from extension 1234 to 100 the call doesn't go through."
Unfortunately this is not so; the best report is a report of a
*specific failure instance*.  E.g., "At 19:43:24Z, I called from
extension 1234 to 100 and the call didn't go through."  The reason for
this is that the way we determine the cause of the failure is to look
through the log files to see how a specific failure happened, and the
more closely you identify a specific failure instance, the less work
we have to do to locate one.

Of course, you should describe as concretely as possible what you did,
what you expected to happened, and what did happen.

If you think you understand the exact extent of the problem, please
include that, but only as *additional* information.

- Include a snapshot of sipXecs.

Naturally, you provide the log of the component that is responsible
for the feature that is failing.  Unfortunately, that is usually not
the component that is causing the failure.  Since we can't determine
the logs that we will need to examine before we examine the logs, the
only efficient method is to include all the logs.  And the
sipx-snapshot program is designed to do exactly that, along with a lot
of other information that might be necessary for the diagnosis.

- Include all the logs if you can.

Naturally, you take advantage of sipXconfig's offer to trim the logs
to the minute or two around the point of failure.  Unfortunately, the
time when the problem started may be well before the time of the
failure.  If it doesn't generate a snapshot file that is too large to
handle, it's best to give sipx-snapshot no time restriction, that is,
to include the entire day's logs.  If that isn't possible, including
the last 2 hours of logs is usually sufficient.

- Set all the logs to DEBUG level.

The more information in the logs, the easier to determine exactly what
has gone wrong.  The default logging level is WARNING, which is
insufficient for debugging most problems.  If the logs do not become
unmanageably large, use DEBUG level, and use it on *all* the logs.  If
that is a problem, use INFO level, which at least includes all of the
SIP message traffic, and will at least allow us to determine which
component is malfunctioning.

- Identify phones by extension number or IP address.

There is a tendency for people to identify phones by their make and
model, especially in testing situations where the phone's assigned
extension number may change frequently.  Unfortunately, SIP doesn't
carry phone make/model information effectively.  But it does carry
extension numbers and IP addresses effectively.  So describe phones by
their extension numbers, or if multiple phones have the same extension
number, describe them by their IP addresses.

- Identify calls by when they happened, and their origin and

It is easiest to locate calls in log files by knowing the time the
call happened and its origin phone.  So providing an accurate time
when the call happened and the phone from which it originated is most
helpful.  And your description should always include the number that
was dialed, which also helps us confirm that we've identified the
correct call.  Alternatively, you can identify calls by their Call-Id
values, preferably in conjunction with the time of the call, but for
most people, that is more difficult to do.

Note that the logs are kept in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC, also
known as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT), which is a 24-hour clock.  UTC
times are often marked by a suffix "Z".  So "19:43:24Z" means 7:43pm
and 24 seconds, UTC.  If you provide times in your local time, we have
to figure out what time zone you are in, which is not always easy, and
then translate the time into UTC.

You can always get the UTC time by executing the command "date -u" on
your sipXecs system.  Please use the server's time, or the time on
another system you *know* is kept correct by NTP.  It is tempting to
use the time reported on a phone's display or by your watch, but those
are often incorrect, and rarely give time down to the second.  Also,
please report times to the second, as one can make a number of phone
calls within a single minute.


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