On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 11:24 -0500, Kevin Thorley wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 10:16 -0600, voice wrote:
> > Found the /usr/bin/sipxproc and everyone is disabled.
> >  
> > Did not find sipxconfig but did find sipx-config
> >  
> > Please send me your cheat sheet on the procedure and the order of
> > manually running each service as you explained briefly in an earlier
> > email on how you got most to start.
> >  
> > thanks
> >  
> Like Kathy said, I think you just need to run sipx-setup.  This script
> will gather some basic IP and sip domain info, create the necessary
> certificates, and allow you to start.  SO, stop sipx, run sipx-setup,
> and then start sipx.
> As for what I did when I installed from yum:
> yum install sipxecs
> sipx-setup
> /sbin/service sipxpbx start

... and sipx-setup would have done that last step for you if you'd
selected that.

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