On Mon, 2009-02-23 at 13:11 -0500, Dale Worley wrote:
> I've been looking at XECS-2202 (kludge: use Min-Expires: 3600 value in
> 423 Subscription Too Brief response).  The original purpose of that
> change is to avoid a problem with some phones, in that whenever they
> successfully subscribe to BLF information, they use the expiration they
> receive as the expiration they will request when they renew the
> subscription.  Since sipX gives less expiration time than requested for
> most subscriptions (in order to ensure that resubscribe times are evenly
> distributed), this causes the phone's requested expiration time to
> shrink until it gets to the minimum that the sipX BLF server will
> accept.  Currently, that minimum is 32 seconds, which is too small for a
> large number of phones to use, as it will overload the server.
> The change currently documented in the issue is to raise the minimum
> time to 3600 seconds (1 hour), so that when a phone "ratchets down", it
> will stop at 3600 seconds, which is a reasonable resubscribe interval.
> The idea is that this is a temporary change until we can get the phone
> manufacturers to correct their products.
> After thinking about this, I think a better strategy would be to: (1)
> change the new minimum to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), and (2) make this
> change permanent.
> My thinking is that we do not want phones, under any circumstances,
> subscribing to any sipX server with sort subscriptions.  (Requested
> subscription time of 0 (that is, a polling request) is always allowed.)
> 1800 seconds is a reasonable lower limit.  1800 seconds is significantly
> smaller than the conventional default (3600 seconds), ensuring that
> devices do not accidentally become unable to subscribe, and also
> ensuring that the "resubscribe spread" algorithm has a wide range to
> work with (1800 to 3600 seconds).

Good idea.  +1

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