On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 09:52 -0700, Tom D. Davidson wrote:
> I have some hardware that I want to use for pbx but CentOS has issues
> with it. If your that interested, check here:
> http://pastebin.centos.org/24080
> I do not have the troubles with Debain, so despite the wonderful
> install process of the sipx iso, I want to use the Debian install. Now
> that Lenny is stable, should I use it or will I run in to
> incompatibilities?

Hi Tom,

I tried with Debian Etch and ran into difficulties, but that was with
sipX 3.8. I'm sure that it can be done but it was a lot easier for me to
just use CentOS. I personally lean towards Debian and the PBX is the
only CentOS / Redhat server I manage.

That said, I have an idea you might be able to use to get CentOS going
on your hardware - use the Debian Kernel, or a vanilla kernel from
kernel.org. You should be able to compile it and install, even if you
have to use another machine to do that part.

If you go down the track of installing on Debian, make sure you document
it as you go, and put an entry in the SipX wiki. What I would love to
see is a sipx.deb - might take a bit of work but would in my opinion be
the quickest way to getting a SipX server up and running (note: I have a
bias towards and have more experience with Debian than CentOS. Others
would find it quicker the other way around)


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