On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 13:25 +0100, Rene Pankratz wrote:
> Hello,
> We figured out a serious issue, that causes the sipXproxy process to 
> take 100% CPU-usage and and breaks down the whole SipXecs.
> We can reproduce this behaviour on SipX 3.10.2, SipX 3.10.3 and 
> 3.11.12-014925.
> The following steps lead to this problem:
> Create a hunt-group (e.g.extension 800) in SipX that consists of 3 
> telephones (e.g. 801, 802, 803). All phones shall ring at the same time, 
> don't allow call forwarding.
> Modify the call forwardings of the hunt-group members via Webinterface, 
> so that the other phones ring if user is busy or activated DND.
>    Extension 801:
>       Forward to 802 if no response and ring 803 at the same time.
>    Extension 802:
>       Forward to 803 if no response and ring 801 at the same time.
>    Extension 803:
>       Forward to 801 if no response and ring 802 at the same time.
> With this setting SipX soon starts to act in an unexpected way. 
> Unfortunately some phones seemed to ring forever and soon the whole SipX 
> broke down.
> Background is that the members of the hunt group shall forward their 
> calls to the others when they leave their desk. We expected this could 
> be done by configuring SipX in the way described above and activating 
> DND when leaving the desk.
> Setting the call forwarding of the users to the hunt-group-extension 
> causes the same beahviour.
> Any suggestions to solve this problem? We want to avoid setting call 
> forwardings on the phones.

I'd be very interested in seeing this reproduced, especially on either
3.10.3 or any recent 3.11.  In 3.10.3 we added loop detection that
should have prevented this...

If you can, set your logging to INFO and configure this, then stop the
sipxpbx, delete your logs (/var/log/sipxpbx/*), restart the services,
make this call and let it fail, then take a snapshot.  Open an issue in
the tracker and attach the snapshot.  If it's too large to attach,
contact me and we'll find a way to get it, but if you delete the logs
before you start this it probably won't be.

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