McCoy, Chris wrote:
> I have a customer, they are looking to put caller id on their lines, but
> want to mask that caller id on certain phones, so that it does not
> display the caller id, it is in a bank setting so the caller id for
> these people are not important.
> Can it be done or is it just a system wide setting either on or off. And
> if we can do it where is that set in the programming for the sipx, the
> gateways I am all set on programming.
> Thanks
> Chris

You can block caller ID on a per user, per user group and per gateway
basis. The relevant tab is called "Caller ID", the option "Block Caller ID".
What you probably want it to set caller ID to some specific value on a per
gatewat basis, and overwrite it for a few users for whom it makes sense.

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