> I've been trying to find some documentation on how to set up 
> remote workers in 4.0. Can someone please point me to the doc 
> page, or if the docs haven't been updated yet, let me know 
> the basics? I tried to set up x-lite and was able to register 
> by setting the proxy to the external IP, but there was no 
> sound on either end of the call. This test was on the DMZ, so 
> there was no firewall.
> I was thinking that I might need to register on port 5080 
> rather than 5060 so that the SBC is used to handle NAT 
> traversal, but I coulnd't find a way to do this with x-lite. 
> I'm not even sure if I'm on the right track here. Any tips?

I'll be able to help you but first I need to understand your setup
better.  Do you have a true DMZ whereby the sipXecs in the DMZ has a
publicly reachable IP address or does it have a private IP address and
the Router in front does all the 'NATing'?
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