On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:27 +0200, Alberto wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm trying to figure out why my system (CentOs 5.3 - 4.1.0-015538 ) is 
> not able to send emails (both VM notifications and alarms).
> I had a look in /var/spool/mail. All alarms directed to 
> sipxcha...@localhost are there. All messages sent to some other domain 
> are present as a return message from the destination mail sever to my 
> local root account complaining my dynamic public IP is on DNS black list 
> and the message won't be forwarded.
> I understood the system is trying to send message directly contacting 
> the destination domain mail server. Is this the desired behavior in 
> every environment? I'm not a spammer, but I can't really complain to 
> some or many domain administrator if they ban dynamic IPs from sending 
> mails without authentication.
> Proved I cannot use the system default way I have two choices to send 
> mails, and both expect me to use a specific SMTP server. I can use my 
> ISP server without authentication, or I can use my own domain server but 
> only providing authentication. The fact is: there is no such option in 
> sipxconfig. I cannot specify a different SMTP with or without 
> authentication credentials.
> How can I configure my system to work at least as expected sending all 
> mail generated?

You may be able to make this work by modifying the # "Smart" relay host
(may be null) DS line (in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf) to point it to your
ISPs mail relay host.

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