On 01/06/09 13:30, Dale Worley wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 15:45 +0200, Gufo wrote:
> > checking for /etc/java/java.conf... no
> > configure: error: Cannot system jar directory. Try to install 
> > jpackage-utils package.
> What the ./configure is looking for is /etc/java/java.conf.
> Unfortunately, the error message is not very clear and there is no way
> to override the directory that ./configure looks in.

Yes, it was looking fora the variable JAVA_LIB into the config file.
BTW I need to understand where the needed java libs come from, because
some .jar file are still missing.
I don't have the specific error because I can't access that machine
right now.

> In principle, you don't need to install any of the needed components via
> RPMs, but they do have to be installed, and sipX needs to be able to
> find them.  Of course, if you aren't installing via RPMs, you need to
> know a great deal more about exactly what sipX needs and how to install
> it in your system.

Sure, but I'm (almost) ready for it :-D

Thanks a lot for now, if anybody knows if there's some specific .jar
file needed to compile sipxconfig (and where I'm supposed to find it)
any help would be really appreciated.

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