All (& Ranga), 

thanks for your help; just for completeness, the registration issue with my 
ITSP was related to having two NICS in the machine. Once I turned one off and 
plugged the server into a VLAN to allow the networks to route correctly all 
started working. 

Now to test the dial plans and make some test calls. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. Ranganathan" <> 
To: "David Hobley" <> 
Sent: Saturday, 30 May, 2009 2:21:08 AM GMT +10:00 Canberra / Melbourne / 
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Asterix in use by ITSP? 

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:54 AM, David Hobley 
<> wrote: 
> All, 
> I am still having issues here - the ITSP is basically insisting I use 5060, 
> not 5080 (they apparently tried changing the Asterix port to 5080 and it 
> didn't work for them for some reason), and I just want to double check my 
> settings before going back to them. 

They do *not* have to change the asterisk port ot anything. They can 
continue to receive signaling at port 5060. 

IMPORTANT NOTE the following is wrong : 


This corresponds to where sipxbridge will receive its messages. NOT to 
where the ITSP receives its messages. You should use the default 
setting of 5080.Note that port where you set up for sipxbridge to 
receive requests is not necessarily the same as where the ITSP is 
setup to recieve requests. <external-port>5080</external-port> is 
where sipxbridge epxects to see its inbound signaling for call setup. 

It appears that your ITSP is accepting REGISTER messages. You should 
be all set with the default settings. If that is not working, you have 
some other issues for which I would need to see some traces/pcap files 
/ both traces and pcap files to say anything sensible. 

If the ITSP is NOT using REGISTER but direct IP address and port based 
provisioning, where they record your IP address and port, AND if they 
insist on only allowing 5060 as the port to which THEY send requests, 
then you have an issue. In that case, you would need to configure a 
mapping rule on your firewall that would map port 5060 on the firewall 
to sipx port 5080. This has not been seen to be a requirement with any 
of the ITSPs we have worked with thus far. You could have issues if 
you are configuring both remote workers and such an ITSP, however. 



> I have SipX installed on a machine with two NICS - one on the ITSP external 
> network and one on our internal network. I was wondering, given this is the 
> case, whether it mattered that they want us to use 5060, we should be able 
> to bind to 5060 on the external address and separately to 5060 on our 
> internal address for the phones, no? 
> Currently I have a gateway set up with our ITSP (Allegro in Australia): 
> <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
> <sipxbridge-config 
> xmlns="";> 
> <bridge-configuration> 
> <external-address></external-address> <-- the address the 
> ITSP provided me for the sipx server 
> <external-port>5060</external-port> 
> <local-address></local-address> <-- the internal address of 
> the sipx server 
> <local-port>5090</local-port> 
> <sipx-proxy-domain></sipx-proxy-domain> 
> <sipx-supervisor-host></sipx-supervisor-host> 
> <sipx-supervisor-xml-rpc-port>8092</sipx-supervisor-xml-rpc-port> 
> <stun-server-address></stun-server-address> 
> <sip-keepalive-seconds>20</sip-keepalive-seconds> 
> <sip-session-timer-interval-seconds>1800</sip-session-timer-interval-seconds> 
> <media-keepalive-seconds>1</media-keepalive-seconds> 
> <xml-rpc-port>8088</xml-rpc-port> 
> <music-on-hold-support-enabled>false</music-on-hold-support-enabled> 
> <music-on-hold-address>~~mh~</music-on-hold-address> 
> <music-on-hold-delay-miliseconds>500</music-on-hold-delay-miliseconds> 
> <music-on-hold-supported-codecs>PCMU,PCMA</music-on-hold-supported-codecs> 
> <route-inbound-calls-to-extension>operator</route-inbound-calls-to-extension> 
> <log-level>INFO</log-level> 
> <log-directory>/var/log/sipxpbx/</log-directory> 
> <location-id>1</location-id> 
> </bridge-configuration> 
> <itsp-account> 
> <itsp-proxy-domain></itsp-proxy-domain> 
> <user-name>USER</user-name> 
> <password>PWD</password> 
> <itsp-proxy-address></itsp-proxy-address> 
> <itsp-proxy-listening-port>0</itsp-proxy-listening-port> 
> <itsp-transport>UDP</itsp-transport> 
> <use-global-addressing>true</use-global-addressing> 
> <strip-private-headers>false</strip-private-headers> 
> <default-asserted-identity>true</default-asserted-identity> 
> <register-on-initialization>true</register-on-initialization> 
> <registration-interval>600</registration-interval> 
> <sip-keepalive-method>CR-LF</sip-keepalive-method> 
> <rtp-keepalive-method>NONE</rtp-keepalive-method> 
> </itsp-account> 
> </sipxbridge-config> 
> When I try to start the SIP Trunk, I get the following exception. I assume 
> this is related to the 5060/5080 issue: 
> Messages for SIP Trunking 
> Standard error 
> javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException: Address already in use 
> at 
> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint( 
> at 
> org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.initializeSipListeningPoints(
> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.start( 
> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.main( 
> Caused by: Address already in use 
> at 
> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.UDPMessageProcessor.<init>(
> at 
> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransactionStack.createMessageProcessor(
> at 
> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint( 
> ... 3 more 
> SipXbridge : Exception caught while running 
> I feel like I am trying to make something work that just isn't designed to 
> unless the ITSP can change their port to support 5080. 
> Cheers, 
> David 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "M. Ranganathan" <> 
> To: "David Hobley" <> 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:28:32 PM GMT +10:00 Brisbane 
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Asterix in use by ITSP? 
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 2:12 AM, David Hobley 
> <> wrote: 
>> Hello, 
>> I am just trying to set SipX 4.0 up to interoperate with our ITSP. These 
>> guys are using Asterix and are currently claiming that they can't set the 
>> SIP port at their end to chat on 5080 (as I believe, from the 
>> documentation, 
>> is required at our end). Has anyone had any success connecting with 
>> Asterix 
>> at the ITSP end? 
> Sure! uses asterisk and if I am not mistaken so does 
> These ITSPs typically expect Registration. Enable Register on 
> intialization in the ITSP configuration screen. You should be able to 
> register with port 5080 unless the ITSP has seriously restricted the 
> behavior of Asterisk to only allow registration from Port 5060 ( in 
> which case you would have a problem ). 
>> Cheers, 
>> David 
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> M. Ranganathan 
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> Cheers, 
> David Hobley 
> IT Manager 
> Creators of Miessence, MiVitality and MiEnviron 
> Phone: +61 (7) 5582 7020 
> Fax: +61 (7) 5539 6719 
> USA Fax 1800 840 0827 
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M. Ranganathan 


David Hobley 

IT Manager 
Creators of Miessence, MiVitality and MiEnviron 

Phone: +61 (7) 5582 7020 
Fax: +61 (7) 5539 6719 
USA Fax 1800 840 0827 
Email : 

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