On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 18:55 +0100, Carl Anthony wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some issues here with transfering inbound calls from outside
> the sipx pabx network.  Calls transfers work fine when the source of
> the initial call was from within the sipx pabx network.
> The setup we have here is:  PSTN -->  pstn-switch (with sip proxy) --> sipx.
> the pstn-switch (with sip proxy) is a box called Topex MultiACCESS
> (www.topex.ro).  They have actually published their SIP
> interoperability requirements here:
> http://wiki.topex.ro/index.php/SIP_compatibility_requirements
> I route calls from the pstn switch to an ACD on the sipx, and while
> the ACD is playing try to choose a destination extension, the ACD gets
> the DTMF and says 'trying to transfer your call' .. and then nothing
> happens.  In sipx , the calls are just hung and are listed as active
> calls .. but the topex gateway times out the call.

That was the Auto-Attendant (AA) you routed to on sipXecs, not the ACD,
but that's not the problem.

> I have attached an ngrep capture of the SIP exchanges (ext 100 is to
> the ACD on the sipx).

Your gateway sent:

        INFO sip:1...@ SIP/2.0.
        Content-Type: application/dtmf-relay.
        Content-Length: 23.


and sipXecs AA replied:

        SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed.
sipXecs does not support DTMF transport via INFO messages.  If you can
configure your gateway to send using RFC 2833 telephony signaling in
RTP, it should work.

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