The vendor supports REFER, but is parsing it incorrectly and reports a 4xx
error.  I have a ticket open with them but in the interim I would like to
disable it so I can continue testing.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Scott Lawrence

> On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 23:32 -0600, Derek Burdick wrote:
> > I have a SIP server that is currently failing to parse the REFER
> > message SIPX is sending it when I zero out of a voicemail.  Until the
> > vendor fixes the problem, I would like to turn of REFER messages and
> > use a RE-INVITE/INVITE style transfer.  Does anybody know where I can
> > set this?
> Sorry - there's no way to configure that.
> Does the vendor just not support REFER, or is there some particular
> problem with the message?
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