Does bind run on that box? If so, and it answers for its own zone, look at the ZONE file itself. If not, verify the entries for the zone file are in the bind zone file that is authoritive to the sipx system having the issue for that zone. \ If you are being hit by this: then you can manually fix the zone file or consider updating to the version with the branch, realizing it is unstable at this time.
>>> "robertNGN" <> 07/18/09 8:14 AM >>> Hi Dale sipx1 box has been running for 5 weeks with no changes from network point of view. This problem just happened after a reboot. last reboot was 2 weeks ago. What would cause this problem, which must only exist from the sipx1 box. More important how to fix it? a.. From: "Dale Worley" <dwor...@xxxxxxxxxx> b.. Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:49:19 -0400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 14:09 -0500, voice wrote: > i rand dig from the sipx box. I'm using, which is the > domain of sipx1 but it resovles to the public which is > the public ip of eth1 on the inGate which is its public ipaddr. i was > thinking that dig from the sipx should have given the priivate ipadd > not the public ipaddr or both??. Is this also your thinking? DNS (as seen by the sipXecs box) must resolve the SIP domain name to the IP address *of the sipXecs box*. In your case, it is resolving to the public IP address of the Ingate, which is not the address of the sipXecs box. It looks like your "split DNS" isn't working correctly. Dale </dwor...@xxxxxxxxxx></>
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