Is your Internal DNS server showing the correct DNS records?

Realize there is a known bug with sipx 4.01 that overwrites and blanks out a 
zone file when making gateway changes. 

>>> "robertNGN" <> 07/19/09 6:37 PM >>>--state show 
>>> everthing aok except sipxProxy = 'configuration test failed'  I will try 
>>> again by re-installing unless you see a solution.   sipx-users] install 
>>> question DNS and SRV Records  
* From: "Tony Graziano" <tgrazi...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   
* Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 18:07:49 -0400 
        service network restart

(no reboot was actually necessary). If       resolving works, then restarting 

service sipxecs       restart

should have worked too. to check the status of services       from the CLI

sipxproc --state

realize it may take a minute       to show everything as it checks files and 

Then       again, a reboot would do all of that.

>>> "robertNGN"       <rob...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>07/19/09 6:04 PM >>>       Tony    
>>>           Read t your follow up and made the change to       resolv.  now 
>>> waiting for the reboot instead of       
>>> re-installed</rob...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx></>
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