Thanks for all the help (Keith, Steve, Ranga). I think Sipx should abandon mail
list an go for firum style(personal opinion)
Before I jump, can somebody please answer this -
a) Office A and office B have different subnets. Will provisioning work?
b) Firmware updates - Do I need to upload firmware updates in both the servers?
Or anything uploaded at one place becomes available to both.
c) I think (a) can be solved- by telling each DHCP server to hand out boot 66
option as the SIPx in that subnet.
That brings me to the question I have asked above
How do I setup DNS and DHCP server which is Windows. Last time I toucjed sipx,
I had problem in setting up SRV record as well as setting up some dhcp option
129?(alternate of 66)
Also - as asked earlier - i really need to move the call data from old
trix(MySQL, I can see it from phpmysql) to the new SIPx.
Thank you
From: nitin_mirchand...@hotmail.com
To: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Help required - Trixbox convert
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 16:04:01 +0400
We want to move from Trixbox to Sipx. So please help. I will outline current
infrastructure -
OFFICE A - running Trixbox 2.6 since last 1 year.
15 X POLYCOM 550, 10X CISCO7950(SIP) ----- These are phones.
1X VEGASTREAM 50 + 1XGRANDSTREAM 4140---These are used as gateways.
OFFICE B - Connected with Office A by VPN.
10XPOLYCOM 550, each registering to OFFICE A
The reason of shifting from Trix is to utilize HD voice, also, we will be
adding OFFICE C soon and making OFFICE B independant(ie, install Gateway)
This is the plan -
OFFICE A-(FXO = Vega50Europa ISDN+Grandstream GXW4104)
Each phone registering to local SipX and remote SipX (2 lines). When number is
dialed for local city, local gateway is chosen automtically.
OFFICE B-(FXO= Grandstream GXW4104)
Each phone registering to local SipX and remote Sipx (2 lines). When number is
dialed for local city, local gateway is chosen automtically.
Now - Help required in
a) Interconnecting SipXA to SipXB
b) All interoffice communication should be in G.729. Intraoffice should be
c) Office A has been running Trix for 1 year - I want to extract all call logs
(its in SQL) and insert that call log in SipX.
d) What should I do that each phone registers first line to local Sipx and
second line to remote Sipx.
e) Number assignment. As of now, we have Office A numbers as 2XX and Office B
numbers as 3XX. I want to retain that. Since I will be using two SIPx, I think
I will have to use number reflectors(eg, 2...@sipxa calls 3...@sipxa using
local Sipx, it should reflect to 3...@sipxb)
e) Last - Help in setting up vegastream 50 Europa and Grandstream GXW4104
Hoping for step by step help (I am windows admin)
Thank You
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