On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 11:30 -0500, li...@grounded.net wrote: > What am I missing here? > I added the Centos repository to the /etc/yum.repos.d/ dir. I've tried this > in various ways, still can't get it. > > yum install mc > Loading "fastestmirror" plugin > Loading "basearchonly" plugin > Loading "downloadonly" plugin > Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile > YumRepo Warning: not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - > $releasever is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet > removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors: //var/cache/yum/base/mirrorlist.txt > Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base > > Mike
I don't know the correct way to fix this, but I got around it by editing /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs-unstable-centos.repo and changing baseurl=http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/temp/sipXecs/main/CentOS/$releasever/$basearch/RPM to baseurl=http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/temp/sipXecs/main/CentOS/5/$basearch/RPM -kathy _______________________________________________ sipx-users mailing list sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users Unsubscribe: http://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipx-users sipXecs IP PBX -- http://www.sipfoundry.org/