Hi Pawel,

> echo tail for far is around 100 to 500ms no EC chip can correct for  
> that.
> That is why EVERYBODY needs to cancel near-end echo.

100 to 500 ms, even for national calls on the same telco ? Wow if  
that's the case I should stop worrying about EC tail length indeed,  
nothing can cope with it and the problem must be elsewhere.

> If You hear echo that there is nothing You can do but to tell the  
> other side to upgrade to better equipment or better carrier/operator.

That makes a lot of other sides to migrate :)
The problem is still that they had less (they say none, but I can't  
trust them) echo problems with their legacy equipment.
But as Scott outlined in another email, maybe we have a tx gain  
problem that somehow overload the far-end (I really hope this is the  

> Operators are mandated to use CARRIER grade EC chips (128ms echo  
> tail) on each customer port Analog/BRI/PRI just in case the customer  
> has flaky equipment.

When you say mandated, do you mean this is a condition in the telecom  
regulations (and so I can trust every operator with a telco license  
implements it ) ?
Is this an EU telecom regulation ?



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