On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 11:15 -0600, Gabe Casey wrote:
> I am having some issues using Asterisk as a PRI gateway with Sipxecs.
> For the most part it works for inbound and outbound calling however
> when a call is received on a PRI channel and then send to a SipXecs
> extension which has a forwarding rule to ring the extension and a
> mobile device at the same time
> asterisk quickly cancels the call to the extension while allowing the
> mobile to ring.
> I have 2 media gateways and 2 sipxecs proxies this behavior is not
> happening when the call comes from GW2 then gets forwarded out GW1 (or
> vice versa)
> Call --> PRI ---> Asterisk PRI GW 1 ---> Sipxecs (Forward Rule
> "simultaneous ring") ---> Asterisk PRI GW 1 ----> (SipX Exten +
> Mobile)     SipX Exten Rings One Time while mobile rings as expected.
> Some of my calls come in another gateway and when this happens the
> call is handled properly:
> Call --> PRI ---> Asterisk PRI GW 2 ---> Sipxecs (Forward Rule
> "simultaneous ring") ---> Asterisk PRI GW 1 ----> (SipX Exten +
> Mobile)     Expected result both extensions ring
> Both Asterisk PRI GWs are set up as unmanaged gateways in sipxecs.

> It seem that asterisk just wants to forward the call to the mobile
> device and cancel the extens call
> Can anyone advise me on a working config for this ? 

Your question is almost certainly better asked in an Asterisk forum.

It sounds like the problem you have is that your installation of
Asterisk is not properly supporting a hairpinned call.  When sipXecs
forwards a call back to the same gateway it came from, that gateway will
see the same INVITE that it sent (that is, the same call-id and from tag
values) with some new Via headers, a new Record-Route header, and
(importantly) a new request-uri value.  Some gateways (apparently
including yours) are confused by this.

It would be easier for us to confirm that diagnosis if you trace the
message flow from sipXecs.  See:


when you get the trace data, take a look at it using sipviewer
and/or post the trace with a description of your configuration
(identify components by IP address), what you were doing, and
which call in the trace you're talking about (by call-id or
frame number in the trace, preferably).

(when you get it, don't paste the messages into the body of the email -
we have nice tools for displaying and analyzing logs that are messed up
by the formatting and line folding the email programs do - attach the
data as a text file)

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