Tony Graziano Wrote:


The server, with a public IP address and no firewall, is a bad BAD idea.
I wouldn't do that, no matter who I was.


The sipXecs server will not be behind NAT, but it WILL be behind a
firewall (see below.)




Todd Hodgen Wrote:


If the Server is on a Public Address, and the phones are on NAT

how would they get to server without going through a router to get onto

same network as the server?  That is where your Nat will come in -

traversing the router.  Seems the Server would need to know they are
NAT, as

it will be NAT coming to the server.




You don't necessarily need NAT to allow a host with a public IP address
to communicate with a host that has a private address.




| Internet |



 Firewall    (Filtering and Stateful Packet Inspection - No NAT)



| sipXecs  | (Public IP Address)

| Server   |



  Router     (If the phones don't require Internet access, then NAT is
not required here.

     |        The sipXecs server will simply have a static route to the
Phone Subnet)


+-Phone Subnet-+

| Phones       | (Private IP Addresses)






Mike Burden

Lynk Systems, Inc


Phone: 616-532-4985


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