Thanks for the pointer. I went to the site and immediately found manuals and 
firmware. The manuals are readable and configuration seems pretty 
straightforward (like old school cisco routers) and logical.

I have a 4114 FXO and a 4114 FXS on the way to test with!


PS: Is the little M-ATA thing in the same class as the smartnodes or did they 
leave a bunch of features out to hit the much lower price point?

On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Tony Graziano wrote:

> PATTON. If you like interoperability, and a thorough 500+ page user manual 
> and complete CLI, plus factory direct support anyway. Their product has never 
> disappointed me, we never even touch any other gateways anymore.
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Eric Varsanyi <> wrote:
> OK, while I'm still suffering with SPA3102 brokenness (bad NOTIFY message, 
> bad From headers, broken CPC detection) and having some success I do really 
> want a rock solid and known to work with sipXecs (4.0 or 4.2+) small FXO+FXS 
> solution. Price isn't an overriding factor but active vendor maintenance of 
> the product line and ability to operate with sipxecs and modern polycom 
> firmware is.
> I'm expecting I'll get trunking working eventually so this is really for some 
> local cordless dect handsets (FXS with callerid and MWI tones) and a couple 
> of backup POTS lines (FXO) and viking doorphones (FXO).
> I returned a 4+4 audiocodes because the vendor wouldn't give me the current 
> firmware for a brand new device w/o a suppport contract so they're out of the 
> running. The SPA3102's are just basically broken (non SIP compliant) and I 
> can't imagine getting anything else in this category from Cisco given their 
> abandonment of these Linksys product lines.
> Is there a good Polycom like vendor (downloadable firmware, reasonable docs, 
> actively maintained products) that makes a 2FXO+2FXS and/or 8FXS analog 
> gateways that are flexible and configurable to work with sipXecs? Even a 
> couple of 1+1 port units would fit the bill, what would be great is a 
> working/supported SPA3102.
> Is Patton the next vendor to try? Grandstream? ...
> Thanks for any advice,
> -Eric
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