Thank you for prompt reply Tony.
I did not really mean that the phone had to be aware of the states/or display them.

It is not a requirement that you can set the state via the phone using protocol either.
Web-portal/call +DTMF/IM client would work.

From a functional view it would be ok if only the server knew about the state and acted accordingly. Reading back the respons with decoded time/date is not crucial. I realize that it would be neater to have full integration and protocols and standards covering this but as it won't happen soon....

One fixed/system wide message per IM state would be ok.

I have also been considering the idea of running it as a service of its own, without integration
A service which is in fact a sipclient with a db. To sipx this looks like a
normal phone.
When you want to divert:
- you call the special extension
- hear some prompts about message diversion
- the service checks your a-number
- the service lets you enter dtmf to select diversion/date/time/message
- the service use soap or something to forward that phone to special extension(worst case - user must forward) - calls forwarded to special extension that are not from an internal extension gets to hear diversion.
  (if we get info on what extension forwarded the call)
- timers in service resets/forward

Would this work you think?

I think, maybe i could get a client to partly sponsor message based diversion if it is implemented.

Ericsson have sold a huge amount of Business Phone PBX internationally.
Most/many of the 10000+ sold in the Nordic Countries can not be replaced without message based diversion. I know Mitel and others are trying but they use an expensive third party product just for this which makes them
too businesses wait.

I know some asterisk based products have this too.

*Vänliga Hälsningar/Best Regards*

/Ola Samuelson

2010-01-21 13:04, Tony Graziano skrev:
The way the IM function works on sipx 4.1-dev is that the IM client can authenticate to the sipx IM server and show it's states (and get other states) from both the IM and RLS systems.

Right now there is no way to make a handset (phone) show its state in the ways you have indicated. There is an Internet draft proposal for "server based" functions of this sort, but it is very rough.

In either case, I don;t see that it is at all possible to make this in 4.2, because it is not on the roadmap, and the phones have no way to authenticate against the IM engine to do this. At the same time, significant changes in the voicemail server functions would have to be made in order to formulate a system response and decode it in the way you are asking.

It sounds great though. Why don't you consider adding an improvement request for 5.0 and see if anyone votes for it so it can get on the roapdmap and developed. This would also be able to solve server based DND, which has also been discussed recently.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:49 AM, Ola Samuelson < <>> wrote:

    Hi all!
    My clients are asking for a feature that has always been part of
    Ericssons pbx's(Business Phone/MD110).
    They have gotten used to it and won't consider a system without it.

    That feature allows you to set 8 fixed presence states:
    sick, out of office, on leave, meeting, bl a bla

    You set them by pressing *23code*dd:mm# on your phone or by using
    client software/or web portal.  dd:mm means that you can tell the
    system when you will be back.
    For "sick", "on leave" and some you specify what day you will be back.
    For some you specify when in hour:minute you will be back.

    Once you have set your diversion. The phone will not ring but will
    play a message in which the operator says:

    "the person you are calling is in a meeting and will back at 13:02

    Not a personal message, same for all users but the time/date
    reflects time/date
    initially set by user.

    When the time has elapsed phone rings again. And if the diversion
    is cancelled/overriden.

    I am guessing that there is no way to do this with sipx right now
    but will there be a way
    to achieve something like it/parts of it with new presence
    feaures/IM in upcoming
    sipx 4.2? Third party product?

    Naturally, it does not have to exactly as on the Ericsson Business

    Ideas anyone?

    *Vänliga Hälsningar/Best Regards*

    /Ola Samuelson

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