On 1/25/2010 2:42 PM, Raymond Dans wrote: > Can you provide some details as to what version/revision of sipXecs > you're using as well as some details on what range of CDR records the > Boss was trying to look at. If the number of records was too large ( > i.e.> 250,000), you may run into this problem as at one point in time, > we just tried to read in all of the records requested with no limit. > > Raymond >
CentOS 5.4 64 bit Sipx 4.0.4 - sipXconfig (4.0.4-017289 2009-11-19T17:42:33 ecs-centos5.x64) /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun- He says the time window he picked was for today only. We can't have much data. It has been lightly used for about a month (less than 10 users) but did go into full production today. _______________________________________________ sipx-users mailing list sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users Unsubscribe: http://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipx-users sipXecs IP PBX -- http://www.sipfoundry.org/