On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:03 PM, mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com <
mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you. So, it this completely a function of the SBC? If I used an SBC
> that supported this feature, should it work from a  Sipx point of view then?
> I'm not saying I would go this route, but I just want to see what my
> options are. If I'm going to consider putting a device at each facility,
> then I would have to also consider switching to a different SBC. Obviously,
> that would have been poor planning on my part. I was given a short time line
> to get this done at my corporate office because of an unplanned relocation.
> Oh well :)
> On 2/1/2010 3:41 PM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 16:09 -0500, Tony Graziano wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Scott Lawrence
>>> <scottlawr...@avaya.com>  wrote:
>>>         On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 14:25 -0600, mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com
>>>         wrote:
>>>         >  Does anyone know if this is even a common feature among SIP
>>>         servers?
>>>         >  Verizon is indicating they have never worked with a client
>>>         setup that
>>>         >  didn't support this. Maybe something is getting lost in
>>>         translation
>>>         >  here.
>>>         I'm not clear on what you're going to have in the branch.
>>>          What is the
>>>         complete sequence of devices and network segments between the
>>>         phone in a
>>>         branch and your central sipXecs, and where are the connections
>>>         to
>>>         Verizon?
>>> He wants sipx in the HQ with the remote branch phones registering to
>>> it, using sipXbridge as the gateway for the trunks, but with the media
>>> anchored at the handsets in the branches to the Verizon Gateway (not
>>> to sipXbridge).
>> Right... the feature you're looking for is:
>> http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-5034
>> it's not expressed the same way, but that's what you would need.  If
>> implemented, it would allow sipXbridge to get out of the media path.
>> That issue is not yet scheduled for any specific release.
> We use ingate. You would need to take care to plan it properly and to
ensure you understand how other functions, like MOH, will operate with any
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