yes, cisco 7960 isn't sip compliant, the old ones didn't even do POE right, and cisco hates sip.
so, whats the best phone.
#1, executive phone (at least 3 lines and at least 3 local speed dials, good soft buttons for most features, supports headsets)
#2, assistant phones (at least 2 lines, can see BLF of executive)

and, since it seems firmware is an issue (newest firmware might not work), what firmware?

needs include not getting reorder tone when making outbound calls that FWD, caller not getting reorder tone when inbound call is forwarded. nice features might include LOCAL (on the phone) Call fwarding, and/or Call FWD no answer, Call FWD busy.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
Phone: 561-999-5000, x 1259
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