Reference helps. A lot. If a call get transferred/put on hold/whatever 
it is crucial to know how long the call is at each destination (for 
billing purposes) and be able to link it back to the original call. 
While it would be nice to have "universal call identifier" and "call 
sequence number" data to encompass each call so that simple SQL queries 
could be run, this is the next best thing.

Also, that PDF is exactly what I needed to give the programmers. Thanks.

Josh Patten
Assistant Network Administrator
Brazos County IT Dept.
(979) 361-4676

On 2/3/2010 2:14 PM, Raymond Dans wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] New CDR database design
>> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 13:43 -0600, Josh Patten wrote:
>>> I am curious what the new CDR database design is going to look
>>> like/consist of. I am meeting with my programming team today to
>>> discuss writing a CDR parser and I would like to show them
>> examples of
>>> what kind of data they can expect to work with. As it
>> currently stands
>>> it looks like they will have to parse Call State Events to get any
>>> useful information. I have figured out what most of the
>> different data
>>> types mean and how they can be utilized to extract useful
>> information.
>>> Will the Call State Events table remain relatively similar to it's
>>> current schema or are their major changes on the way for the
>> entire CDR database?
>> The intent has been that the Call State Events are internal
>> (and therefor subject to change), and the CDRs are public.
>> Can you give some examples of what you need that you can't get
> >from the resolved CDRs?
> Scott is correct that the Call State Events is intended for internal use
> only.  The CDR records are what should be read and processed.  The CDR
> User Guide documentation (cdr_user_guide.pdf) found in the software
> repository under sipXproxy/doc/cdr is up to date with the CDR table in
> sipXecs 4.2.
> Some of the additions in 4.2 are:
> 1. Caller Contact  - Contact information from the caller.
> 2. Callee Contact  - Contact information from the recipient.
> 3. Reference - list of callIds for which this call is related.
> 4. Route - Special tags identifying the dial plan interpretation of the
> call route taken.
> I hope this helps

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