The point is that it is known to be a good application but it has not, so far, 
worked out for me. That doesn't imply that it's not valid.

On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 21:31:16 -0500, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> On 2/5/10 1:50 PM, wrote: >  OpenSBC is open source and
> allows you to load balance using dns srv. Only problem is that things can
> get troublesome. I fought gremlins for some 6 months and have yet to figure
> out why I was having so many remote problems. Constantly problems, but they
> might have been related to the fact that the setup ends up being multiple
> firewalls/gateways.
> i want to get RID of gremlins, not add them!
>> I've since set up asterisk and it's 100% so far without the problems but
>> then I've not gotten opensbc back into the mix yet which is part of the
>> testing I need to do.

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