Our ITSP created an account for us on a "test" server.   Calls placed
through the "test" server fail with 404.


The ITSP says that it's because in the From field of the INVITE, we are
sending extens...@ouritsp.com (1...@ouritsp.com) instead of
use...@ouritsp.com (ly...@ouritsp.com)


I thought that maybe unchecking "Use default asserted identity" and
filling in ly...@ouritsp.com would change this, but sipxtrace still
shows that we are sending 1...@ouritsp.com 


I'm digging through the Wiki, but I'm not finding anything yet (not sure
what I'm looking for, so I'm having a hard time coming up with good
search terms.)



Can someone point me at the right setting?




Mike Burden

Lynk Systems, Inc 

e-mail: m...@lynk.com <mailto:m...@lynk.com>     

Phone: 616-532-4985



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