Im having some problems in the ACD using sipx version 4.2

Agents signed-in using sipXpresence (xml-rpc,calling to *88 or using
the web ui) are not being reflected in ACD (queue-statistics) even
when they are displayed as signed-in in the Agent-status.

The ACD seems to work fine when the number of total agents in a queue
is low (20 or less), but as we add agents to the queue the process
starts to take longer, finally when the agents in a queue are 70 or
more the ACD no longer  update the number of available agents in

Here are the steps to reproduce this behavior:

1 - Add some agents to the queue (less than 20)

2 - Activate the ACD Server.

3 - Restart the afected services and wait for the "Running" status.

4 - Try to sign-in some of the agents added to the queue. The agents
should be present in the queue-statistics view  and the file
"sipxacd_events.log"  also displays the sign-in-agent event.

5 - Sign out the agents.

6 - Add more agents to the queue and repeat the process steps 1 to 5.
When the number of agents in the queue is 70 or more  the
queue-statistics view stops updating the  signed-in agents and the
file "sipxacd_events.log" no longer logs the  sign-in-agent event.

Once this problem is present cant be fixed, deleting agents from the
queue or creating another queue dont correct the problem.

This problem was not present in version 3.10. But now is present in
all versions of sipx from 4.0 to 4.3

Someone else is having this problem or something similar? Any know
solutions or workarounds?.
Should i report this issue in the issue tracker.

Thanks in advance
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