I dont know why you have port 5070 and 5090 stated. I assume your ITSP shows
you registered via port 5080, and its likely they will send you calls on
5080. When you send calls to them, it should be on 5060, but in frame 14 you
are sending "to them" on port 5080.

Can you explain why you have changed the ports from defaults? I am sure the
ITSP does not like the call being send on port 5080, but they should be
sending you a better explanation/error message. Did you ask them if they
allow that? I also see the transaction last about 2 seconds, and the ITSP is
not responding probably because they probably don't like that and ignore the
transaction altogether.

1. When you register to the ITSP, you should try to register on port 5080.
THe ITSP "should" try to send you calls on the port you registered from.
2. Do not try to create a siptrunk freehand, instead use one (like voip.ms)
and alter the information for your ITSP gateway/registrar.
3. Do not alter the port you send the ITSP calls on. Instaed, just send them
the calls on port 5060.
4. Please ensure you have ports 5060 (udp/tcp), 5080 (udp) and 30000-31000
(udp) properly stated in your firewall. Right now, there is no way the audio
would work.

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:40 AM, an...@iguanait.com <an...@iguanait.com>wrote:

> Thanks for your answers and fast reply, Tony.
> Sorry for the trace, yes i altered it to mask some sensitive information
> from trace. I will be more careful for the next time and will follow
> your advice for clarifying. Sorry again :)
> I was thinking that not sending the public ip address might be the
> reason for all these problems.
> How do i need to proceed, is this a sipxecs configuration problem or it
> is because incomplete firewall rules as you commented already in your
> previous post?
> On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 09:31 -0400, Tony Graziano wrote:
> > Wow. How in the world can that ever work?
> >
> >
> > Look at the trace. You are not sending the real IP address of sipx to
> > the ITSP I believe. It will of course timeout because it can't route
> > to you. Besides the domain name, did you alter the trace to make it
> > unintelligible? If so, you need to clarify that or noone will be able
> > to follow the trace.
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:25 AM, an...@iguanait.com
> > <an...@iguanait.com> wrote:
> >         Sorry, i forgot to attach the trace. Here it is.
> >
> >
> >         On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 16:17 +0300, an...@iguanait.com wrote:
> >         > Hi,
> >         >
> >         > before asking my questions i would like to explain our
> >         installation and
> >         > network, so you can have a better idea what we have done and
> >         we are
> >         > trying to do.
> >         >
> >         > We have one machine with 1 public ip address. We have
> >         installed on this
> >         > machine openvpn server and also virtualbox.
> >         >
> >         > We created one virtual machine on vbox that have centos 5.5
> >         installed
> >         > and on it sipxecs.
> >         >
> >         > On host machine we create a tap0 interface and then we add
> >         tap0 to a
> >         > bridge interface with ip We create this bridge
> >         interface in
> >         > order to give internet access to guest machine and to make
> >         visible guest
> >         > from host machine. On guest machine we use one interface
> >         with ip
> >         > In order to give internet access to guest machine,
> >         we create
> >         > nat on host machine.
> >         >
> >         > We follow this article for vbox networking:
> >         > http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Advanced_Networking_Linux
> >         >
> >         > As you already know on host machine we have installed
> >         openvpn and it
> >         > acts as vpn server. We have set openvpn to use tap device
> >         and to act as
> >         > a bridge and openvpn has this configuration:
> >         >
> >         > port 1194
> >         > proto udp
> >         > dev tap0
> >         >
> >         > ca ca.crt
> >         > cert server.crt
> >         > key server.key
> >         > dh dh1024.pem
> >         >
> >         > server-bridge
> >         > ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
> >         > client-to-client
> >         > client-config-dir ccd
> >         >
> >         > keepalive 10 60
> >         > comp-lzo
> >         > user nobody
> >         > group nobody
> >         > persist-key
> >         > persist-tun
> >         > status openvpn-status.log
> >         > verb 3
> >         >
> >         > When we try to register over vpn all is ok and our
> >         registratin urls
> >         > looks this way:
> >         >
> >         > <sip:7...@;x-sipX-nonat>
> >         >
> >         > Outgoing and incomming calls between sipx users is ok and
> >         internal
> >         > communication is ok. At least it looks ok from our tests.
> >         >
> >         > Now we are trying to make sipxecs to be accessible also from
> >         non vpn
> >         > users (remote users) and to be able to call via ITSP and to
> >         receive
> >         > calls from ITSP.
> >         >
> >         > Registration from remote users also look ok. We are able to
> >         register and
> >         > the url looks ok.
> >         >
> >         > Until this moment all is ok. The problem comes when we try
> >         to call out
> >         > via ITSP.
> >         >
> >         > In logs i see that we register to ITSP without any problems,
> >         in sipx web
> >         > interface also shows AUHTENTICATED.
> >         >
> >         > The problem appear when i try to make outgoing call via
> >         ITSP. Then on
> >         > the phone i get "408 ITSP Time out". I checked the traces,
> >         but cannot
> >         > figure out what the problem is.
> >         >
> >         > I was thinking that the problem maybe the rules that i use
> >         for
> >         > forwarding the ports to sipx from public interface on host
> >         machine. But
> >         > i'm not sure if this is the problem.
> >         >
> >         > I use these rules:
> >         >
> >         > IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables
> >         > export EXTIF=eth0
> >         > export BRIF=br0
> >         >
> >         > # my sipXecs proxy server and sipxbridge run here.
> >         > export SIPXADDR=
> >         > export PORTRANGE=30000:31000
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > #set a default policy
> >         > /sbin/iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -F INPUT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -F OUTPUT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
> >         > /sbin/iptables -F FORWARD
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -F
> >         >
> >         > # set forwarding and nat rules
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -o $BRIF -j ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $BRIF -o $EXTIF -j ACCEPT
> >         >
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p udp --dport
> >         5060 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5060
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p udp
> >         --dport 5060 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         5060 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5060
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 5060 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p udp --dport
> >         5070 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5070
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p udp
> >         --dport 5070 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         5070 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5070
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 5070 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p udp --dport
> >         5080 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5080
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p udp
> >         --dport 5080 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         5080 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5080
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 5080 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p udp --dport
> >         5090 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5090
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p udp
> >         --dport 5090 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         5090 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:5090
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 5090 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         9090 -j
> >         > DNAT --to-destination $SIPXADDR:9090
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 9090 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         >
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p tcp --dport
> >         81 -j DNAT
> >         > --to-destination $SIPXADDR:8443
> >         > /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -d $SIPXADDR -p tcp
> >         --dport 8443 -j
> >         > ACCEPT
> >         >
> >         > /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > Are these rules above wrong? If yes, then what are the right
> >         rules that
> >         > i need to use when sipxecs is located in private network
> >         behind NAT?
> >         >
> >         > I suppose there are a lot of people that have such/similar
> >         installations
> >         > and i will be very happy if you share your experience in
> >         such
> >         > installations.
> >         >
> >         > Is it possible something to be wrong in headers and this way
> >         ITSP does
> >         > not know where to send packages?
> >         >
> >         > I attach one of the traces for failed outgoing call where i
> >         get ITSP
> >         > Timeout error.
> >         >
> >         > Let me know if you need snapshot of sipx installation and i
> >         will send it
> >         > too.
> >         >
> >         > What we need know is to get working outgoing and incoming
> >          calls via
> >         > ITSP.
> >         >
> >         > P.S. we have installed sipxecs 4.2.0-018575.
> >         >
> >         > Thanks in advanced!
> >         >
> >
> >
> >
> >         _______________________________________________
> >         sipx-users mailing list sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
> >         List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users
> >         Unsubscribe:
> >         http://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipx-users
> >         sipXecs IP PBX -- http://www.sipfoundry.org/
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ======================
> > Tony Graziano, Manager
> > Telephone: 434.984.8430
> > sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
> > Fax: 434.984.8431
> >
> > Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net
> >
> > LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
> > Telephone: 434.984.8426
> > sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net
> > Fax: 434.984.8427
> >
> > Helpdesk Contract Customers:
> > http://www.myitdepartment.net/gethelp/
> >
> > Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
> > Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.
> >
> >

Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
sip: tgrazi...@voice.myitdepartment.net
Fax: 434.984.8431

Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net

LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
sip: helpd...@voice.myitdepartment.net
Fax: 434.984.8427

Helpdesk Contract Customers:

Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.
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