>>> Paul Scheepens <pscheep...@epo.org> 07/15/10 10:15 AM >>>
>>>Both versions will be GPL, so both can "borrow"code from each other.

Sipxecs is currently LGPL.  Wether or not Avaya keeps openscs under a 
compatibile opensource license is up to them.  I believe SIPFoundry is not 
changing their license for new code. 

While they can not take back code already contributed under LGPL...they can 
certainly release any new code under any license they want.  Including a closed 
commercial license.

Overall I expect the two project to diverge a fair amount.  If Avaya does not 
think they have enough control as is, sharing and accepting opensource code 
seems like something they will tighten up on.  But that is pure speculation.

However, I say all that with optimize.  Forks have a way of expanding 
communities.  Look at asterisk.  Lots of commercial developers build unique 
features all the while building awareness for the technology under the covers.  
And even if alot of new features are closed/commercial features, there is 
typically sharing among the different projects as core opensource code is 
modified to enable these new features.

As Tony noted, a great example is the OpenACD integration work in progress for 
the SIPFoundry builds.  For years people have complained about the builtin ACD. 
 That is not on Avayas roadmap to improve as its not a focus of their 
commercial solution.  So here we have another "sponsor" picking up that work 
for their builds. 


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