Do not know if this issue has been discussed before and if it has I would
sure love the link to the discussion.

The problem I am having is, I place a call to an outside number from inside
my network. The call is answered on the other end. i place the call on hold
and 7sec after being placed on hold the call drops.

This is the sipXecs version I am using: 4.2.1-018932 2010-06-25T10:44:53

Call is being placed on an Iphone with bria softphone app and acrobits app.
They both drop the call. Polycom 301 also drops the call.

Sip trunk is grn voip sip trunk premium route. I think they are also known
as ez call.

Firewall on network is pfsense 1.2.3 release.

If any more info is needed please let me know and I will supply it.

Any help greatly appreciated.
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